
For the love of Nature : A Poem

The Nature is trying to  say something to us, Something less,  something more,  like the silence  at the seashore, Something bad, when we think like a mad, Something nice, when we think of it thrice. It’s mysteries  are it’s low pitch voice, everyone will say 'What a great choice’. It says, try to understand me  without making noise, so that  you can understand  my low pitch voice. After this,  one thing came to my mind ‘Do these rules followed by mankind’? think think think,  find find find, ‘What’s the reason behind? The reason is our mind’s dirt, we are destroying the Nature  for our comfort ! Which is due to our wrong choice, we are curious to hear  it’s high pitch voice. At last,  create some silence,  correct your choice, and hear it’s  low pitch voice,  without making noise. Here, I used ‘it’ for Nature, and ‘hig...